Business inquires

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Business inquires


Through our highly technological business model we have acquired customers from all over the world. We are shipping our products from Abu Dhabi and to the Faroe Islands, in other words, to every corner of the world. With our business model we have managed to outperform local competitors in other countries through offering more reasonable prices for better products.


Becoming a partner of , and

After the launch of our successful rim program ZAX, we experienced high demand and great customer experiences. Our rim designs are meeting the customers expectations with regards to quality and design. Our brands are becoming more accessible globally through our partner and shipping program.

In addition to our rim program, we have also launched a high-quality winter tire for EVs under the name FRIGUS EV ICE 3. Customer feedback has been favorable, and our partners that have included FRIGUS EV to their product assortment, have experienced great customer feedback as well.


«We have partners in both Denmark and France in regard of both our rim- and tire program. We are open for new partners globally. A partner will get exclusivity in their area, depending on the size of the company»


Our brands are getting bigger and more sought after each day, and we expect the coming years to follow. Customers and businesses are slowly moving away from the product assortment to the big and established businesses, because of the illogical price-to-quality ratio. Therefore, our line of products and brands has experienced high demand; customers want quality products to reasonable prices.

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ZAX Wheels:



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Zax Wheels, upgrade your EV